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Project for and with homeless people.

Where can I find information about Corona and appropriate hygiene measures tailored to my living situation on the street?

To address this question, the COVID-19 project has made two Corona educational videos for and with homeless people at Charité in Berlin. They were created in close collaboration with people with lived experience on the street and are available in German, English, Russian, Polish and Romanian.

The videos aim to educate about symptoms of COVID-19 infection and encourage people to get tested and accept help if they feel sick. Together, we can fight the virus.

That's why our slogan is: #We stick together. We keep Corona off the streets.

Educational videos about Corona (English, German, Polish, Romanian and Russian):


Information around Corona | For and by homeless people

Get tested! | The Coronatest | For homeless people

Informacja o Korona Wirusie. | Dla osób bezdomnych i z osobami bezdomnymi

Zrób test! Zrób test na obecność Korona Wirusa. | Dla osób bezdomnych i z osobami bezdomnymi

Informații despre Corona | Pentru și împreună cu oameni fără adăpost  

Fă-ți testul!: Testul Corona | Pentru și împreună cu oameni fără adăpost

Информация о коронавирусе. Для бездомных и с бездомными

Сдай тест!: экспресс-тест на коронавирус. Для бездомных и с бездомными


For more visit Charité website here.

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