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Money Talks

Works-in-progress by Jil Gielessen, Money Talks, Klimaklasse 2020

It’s not my ___________ to keep you happy

you have to make it ____________ on your own

you have to ______________

or you’ll be spiritually ___________________ forever

taking care of oneself is a ___________________

but health is _________________

and you have to handle your ___________________ carefully

it’s called _________________ for a reason

and I can’t _________________ time on you

I cannot ________ to be emotionally ________

In this society you’ve got to _______ your ______

some won’t __________________

because _________________

and I’ve got neither to _________________

and I don’t want to ______________ on a ________________

since that will __________________ me as well

collateral damage is to be avoided _____________




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